Focus Energy Limited is an independent oil and gas exploration and development company holding two Oil & Gas blocks in India. We have signed Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with Government of India to explore and develop Onshore and offshore oil and gas blocks in India named as "RJ-ON/6" and "CB-OSN-2004/1"– encompassing a total area of 4792 sq. km. We are one of the few companies which own in-house expertise along with full-fledged machineries for Drilling, Seismic, Mud Logging, Mud Engineering, Cementing, Open Hole Drill Stem Testing, Wireline and Hydraulic Fracturing services. We are currently aggressively exploring and discovering Natural Gas in Indus Basin and gradually add in the existing gas Production.
Read More2,176 Sq. Km onshore block situated in Rajasthan (Next to the prolific gas discoveries of Pakistan)
2,616 Sq. Km shallow water block situated in Gulf of Khambat (Part of the first block to go into production in NELP-I)
Six monthly compliance report of drilling of wells in SGL Gas Field and in Block RJ-ON/6 at Langtalla, Distt Jaisalmer, Rajasthan by Focus Energy Ltd – Environment clearance reg.
moreSix monthly compliance report of drilling of wells in SGL Gas Field and in Block RJON/ 6 at Langtalla, Distt Jaisalmer, Rajasthan by Focus Energy Ltd – Environment clearance reg
moreExpression of Interest for SGL Gas Field,